What Exactly Are Bedsores?
Bedsores, also known as Pressure Ulcers or Decubitus Ulcers are areas of damaged skin caused by prolonged pressure to vulnerable parts of the body, such as:
- The hips
- Buttocks
- And heels
A bedsore may first appear as a reddened area of skin over a bony prominence and can worsen to a deep wound involving the underlying tissue, muscle, and bone.
³Ò¾±±¹±ðÌýLaw Firm of D.F. Truhowsky a call at (212) 880-6496 or contact us online today for your free consultation from our New York nursing home abuse firm.
Who Is at Greatest Risk for Bed Sores?
Examples of residents who are at risk for developing bedsores:
- Residents that are confined to bed or chair for long periods of time
- Incontinent residents
- Dehydrated or malnourished residents
- Residents with mobility problems
- Residents on antipsychotic drugs
They are a likely sign of neglect. Medical experts advise that with appropriate care and equipment, bedsores are often easily preventable and completely treatable if found early.
How Can Pressure Ulcers Be Prevented?
Some examples of care used to prevent bedsores are:
- Proper nutrition and hydration
- Changing wet or soiled diapers promptly
- Turning and positioning every two hours in bed
- Repositioning every hour, and limiting time out of bed, in recliner, or chair
Some examples of equipment used to prevent and heal them are:
- Pressure reducing mattresses
- Cushions for recliners or chairs
Should the Development of Bedsores Be Reported?
Yes, as with any case of suspected neglect or abuse, it should be reported to the facility and reported to:
NYS Department of Health by:
- Calling: 1-888-201-4563
- Or online at:
And NYS Attorney General’s Office, Medicaid Fraud Control Unit:
- Call: 1-800-771-7755
What Legal Recourse Do Nursing ³Ô¹ÏÍø Residents Have?
Nursing home residents can bring actions under Public Health Law Section 2801-d seeking compensation for
their injuries if they have been deprived of a “right or benefit” created for the protection of nursing home residents by contract, or by federal or State statute, code, or regulation. This is in addition to available negligence or medical malpractice actions.
Who Has the Burden of Proof in a Section 2801-D Lawsuit?
Once a resident develops bedsores, the burden is on the facility to prove they took all steps reasonably necessary to
prevent the bedsores.
Are There Also Regulations That Address Bedsores?
Yes, there are federal and state regulations, 42 CFR 483.25 (c) and 10 NYCRR 415.12 (c) (1). Generally, these regulations require that a resident entering a nursing home facility without bedsores and not develop any during their admission.
Further, if a resident enters a facility with bedsores, the facility must provide necessary treatment and services to heal the bedsores, prevent infection and prevent new sores from developing.
How Are Legal Fees Paid?
Legal fees are paid on a contingency fee basis, and the fees are deducted from the amount recovered at the end of a case.
Will a Monetary Recovery Compromise a Resident’s Medicaid Coverage?
No. The amount of any damages recovered by a patient are exempt for purposes of determining initial
or continuing eligibility for Medicaid. PHL §2801-d (5)
You can download a PDF copy of the New York Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law AttorneysÌý³ó±ð°ù±ð.
A Personal Injury Firm Equipped to Help You
I have been practicing law in the area of nursing home abuse and neglect for the past 15 years. My firm is now devoted exclusively to this area. I am pleased to share practice tips in this quarterly column with NYNAELA members. Since 75% of the calls my firm receives involve bedsores suffered by nursing home residents, I thought bed sores would be a fitting first subject.
If your loved one has been the victim of neglect or abuse, contact us online or call us at (212) 880-6496. Our team will do our best to ensure that they receive the maximum financial compensation possible for their pain and suffering.